Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Gabby's School.....

So, finding Gabby a school is becoming so stressful for me. We really have four options. Here they are in no particular order.

Option #1 Sending her to the public school by our house. The only pro I see about sending her there is that it is very close. The cons are that the school does not have a very good rating. I have heard of teachers who get students from the laveen school district and they are a few years behide. I feel like we would be setting our child up to not fail in life if we did not send her to the best school we could find. The school I believe is getting better ever year, but I still dont' love it.

Option #2 Sending her to a traditional school near by our house. The major con with this idea is that even though I signed her up already we don't find out of she made it or not until May 1st. It's a nice good with great ratings,. I am not a fan of the hours, but it would work.

Option #3 Sending her to the same Ahwatukee school that cousin Kori goes to. The schools are great in ahwatukee and I love them, however driving her everyday at least 45 minutes each way with a newborn and a 2 year old might be VERY hard.

Option #4 Sending her to a Christian school that is half home school, half regular school......I personally love this idea. It's a drive, but I would only have to do it 3x's a week. The other 2 days are home schooled. Nathan does not think that I would have time to homeschool her, but I would have all day and I would be able to do it. The other probelm is it's abotu 3,000. I've already applied for one scholorship, and I believe there is one more I can sign up for, but there is no guarentee we would get any of them. NAthan and I can not pay for the school since we are on a strict Dave Ramsey plan of getting completely out of debt and we will also have to buy a mini van before the baby is born....

So these are our options....I have been praying over them and have found some release in looking towards all day kindergarten, but I have found out too that all day kindergarten may not be free next year. I am totally okay with that since I prefer that Gabby goes to half day kindergarten anyways.

So many people don't get that I prefer that Gabby go to half day kindergarten. But they are also probably the same people who don't understand why I don't like preschool either and find no need for it. I am not one of those Mom's who need a break from their kids. I became a Mom to be a Mom, just like I became a Wife to be a wife. I am in it 100%. Studies show that children who spend more time with there mom's at home and where mom's take care of their educational needs too actually do better off in school later on and in life. I take my job as a wife and a mom very seriously and I want to be as God wants be to be. I have nooooo problem with other people having a difference of opinion and taking there kids to all day kindergarten and preschool. I just wish no one gave me crap for not doing those things. Anyways...that was a tangent......

So now I ask if you could pray with me and help us find the right school for my little princess Gabriella...Thank you!!!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

I know I am a name freak.....

Ever since I was little I would dream about what I would name my children. I love my childrens names and we put a lot of time and thought into their names.

Gabriella means "God gives me strength" I loved her name because it has so many nick name possiblities. Gabby, Ella, Bella, Bri, Briella...etc...She has settled on Gabby though. Her middle name is Christine, and guess what so is mine!!

Zachary means "God has remembered me" I loved it because it has such a strong nick name and it holds up well against our ultra feminine girl names. Zach's middle names are Estes after Estes Park in Colorado and Nathaniel after his Nathan's name is not NAthaniel, but Nathan felt weird giving him his "real" name...don't ask.....

So here we go again another baby another one to name. If it's a girl we are pretty sure of a couple names...

Eliana means "God Answered my prayers" (very appropriate)
Mikayla means "Gift of God" also good meaning!

There are a few others I like, but I am thinking we will go with one of those two

The others are...

The middle name will be Faith, FaithAnn, or Amber...or amybe Christine again....

Boys are much harder......I like so many that are already used. Our #1 boy name before we had Zach was Ben, # 2 name was Luke but they too are another used names. I feel there is many more boys names that we can't use for one reason or another. I like a few names but Nathan does not like any yet....we will see

here is my boy list so far...


That is all I can think of. My list is longer but consists of names already "used"

His middle name would be ?????????????????

What do you think???????????????

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Tomorrow's appt.

I am actually pretty excited about tomorrows next OB/GYN appt. I don't think it will be anything major, and maybe after this appt I can start to feel better about this pregnancy. I think I keep waiting for something to happen. Since my ectopic pregnancy in August I've always been nervous about getting pregnant again. I know that everything is okay. Trust me my body is letting me know. I have been sick as a dog form sun up to sun set. It's weird, but if the sun is down I feel fine. I just want to go to the appt and see the little flicker of a perfect heartbeat and know that all is okay! Then again I know God will take care of everything and worrying will not do a bit of good. During my 4 week Ob visit my Dr told me to stop shaking because I was so nervous. She said there is nothing you can do to control any of it so just relax, and she is right.
    So tomorrow I will jsut be excited about my Dr's appt and excited that I am 8 weeks pregnant for the 3rd time!!!!! My Dad is convinced I am having twin girls.....I think Nathan might faint if we had twin girls.Also at my 6 week appt the ultrasound tech only found one gestational sac and one egg I think it's only one.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Let them be little

One of my favoite country songs happends to be Billy Deans. Let them be little.....

I can remember when you fit in the palm of my hand.You felt so good in it; no bigger than a minute.How it amazes me you're changin' with every blink.Faster than a flower blooms, they grow up all too soon.

So let them be little,'Cause they're only that way for a while.Give 'em hope, give them praise,Give them love every day.Let 'em cry, let 'em giggle,Let 'em sleep in the middle,Oh, but let them be little.

I never felt so much in one little tender touch.I live for those kisses, your prayers an' your wishes.An' now you're teachin' me how only a child can see.Tonight, while we're on our knees, all I ask is:

Please, let them be little,'Cause they're only that way for a while.Give them hope, give them praise,Give them love every day.Let 'em cry, let 'em giggle,Let 'em sleep in the middle,Oh, but let them be little.

The so innocent, precious soul:You turn around, an' it's time to let them go.

So let them be little,'Cause they're only that way for a while.Give them hope, give 'em praise,Give them love every day.Let 'em cry, let 'em giggle,Let them sleep in the middle,Oh, but let them be little.
Let them be little

I've always loved this song, but I love it more now as a mother of 2 kids and one more on the way. Kids grow up so fast and before we know it they are off to school. Once they start school you will forever slowly start to lose them. I know this is what is suppost to happen, but that does not make it any easier. Poeple wonder why I have never let any of my kids cry it out at night to train them to sleep better alone at night. It's because soon enough my kids will need me less and less. I enjoy my time with them in the middle of the night. when they are adults I will remember the nights of cuddles and laughter (zach like to get in my face and smile and giggle in the middle of the night). Gabby stopped waking up in the middle of the night at 2, and I loved my time with her. She already is very independant, and such an amazing little girl. No I never let her cry it out and I never plan to do it with any of my kids, and Gabby is just fine, sleeps through the night in her own bed, in her own room, and isvery happy. In a few months she will start school and grow up faster than I can imagine. So tonight when Zach wakes up at 2am again I will cuddle him and enjoy every second withhim because soon my nights with Zach will be over too, and he too will eventually sleep through the night, and need me just that much less. I do not expect anyone to understand how I love these times, and I know people may think I'm crazy, but I'm okay with that....becasue I am crazy, abotu my kids. Oh, and my husband.....I didn't forget abotu him. both my kids go to sleep intheir own beds around 7 or 8 and the rest of the night until I fall asleep is jsut for me and my hubby!