Thursday, May 13, 2010

hello Blog it's been....looong...

Let me catch you up.....

Gabriella~ I can not believe my little baby girl is almost 5. I am not sure if it makes her feel older or me. Can I really be the parent of a 5 year old starting kindergarten in 3 months??? seriously I think thisis where parenting gets tricky. now comes the outside influences,and peer pressure, and oh my goodness....13 years of school!! It should be fun. I thank God everyday for such an amazing little girl though. She is so thoughtful of other people and their feelings. She really wants to help out as much as possible and does a great job being a big sister to Zach. She loves playing mommy with him, and tells me all the time. "mommy, your are pregnant just sit down and I will do everything". of course I don't' let her, but maybe someday I should take her up on her offer before she never asks again. Gabby loves to sing and dance, and to play with older kids since she almost never gets to do that. She is my intellectual girl. her favorite store at the mall is the Apple store and everyday asks for an IPad or I touch....ummmms orry honey that is not happening anytime soon!

Zachary~ who let my baby boy grow up??? seriously he is 19 months now and such a big boy!! He loves his big sister so much. She is usually the first thing he asks for as soon as he wakes up. The poor boy is going to have a really hard time once she goes to school. Gabby is his life. They play together all day and have such an amazing friendship. I just hope it lasts through the years. He also loves music of any kind. If he hears it, he is up and dancing. He's also all boy. He's the one that is going to keep me up at night when he's older. He is not afraid of much and loves to be daring. however he's still deathly afraid of pools and splash pads. He loves to run, he counts to 3 and says go and runs all over the house. It's fun! He finally started to sleep through the night at 18 months. I have to be honest though I miss getting up with him and cuddling on the couch in the middle of the night. I'm one of those weird mom's that love that. I know that once he stops he will probably never do it again, and I cherish every second with him and Gabby.

Elliana....YES!!! I guess I haven't' said this here....WE ARE HAVING ANOTHER GIRL!! her name will be Elliana Faith! So far so good. I am more than 25 weeks prego and all is well so far. i am measuring 2 weeks ahead but my midwife tells me that can just be because it's my 3rd child and my uterus might jsut be bigger than normal not the baby. Oh how I hope that is true. I really don't want to pass another 8lb 10oz baby again.

Nathan and I~ well we are doing great. Nathan has one more year of school left before he gets his Masters and he's working so hard at it. I am trying my hardest to be patient and know that soon he will be done and I will get my husband back. he really is amazing. he does so much for our family and always makes sure he has enough time for me and the kids. I am truly blessed.

Well i think that is a good update for now!! enjoy!