Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Tomorrow's appt.

I am actually pretty excited about tomorrows next OB/GYN appt. I don't think it will be anything major, and maybe after this appt I can start to feel better about this pregnancy. I think I keep waiting for something to happen. Since my ectopic pregnancy in August I've always been nervous about getting pregnant again. I know that everything is okay. Trust me my body is letting me know. I have been sick as a dog form sun up to sun set. It's weird, but if the sun is down I feel fine. I just want to go to the appt and see the little flicker of a perfect heartbeat and know that all is okay! Then again I know God will take care of everything and worrying will not do a bit of good. During my 4 week Ob visit my Dr told me to stop shaking because I was so nervous. She said there is nothing you can do to control any of it so just relax, and she is right.
    So tomorrow I will jsut be excited about my Dr's appt and excited that I am 8 weeks pregnant for the 3rd time!!!!! My Dad is convinced I am having twin girls.....I think Nathan might faint if we had twin girls.Also at my 6 week appt the ultrasound tech only found one gestational sac and one egg I think it's only one.

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